Windlass chain counter, reading on mobile phone or tablet via Bluetooth,
Why a Seymo chain counter on the boat?
Reading the chain on an Android phone or tablet, without installing complicated equipment with its possible breakdowns.
No configuration needed, plug and play, always available, measures up to 500 meters
Much simpler installation than any equipment on the market, you do not need to carry cables and cross the entire boat to the helm.
Adjustment of anchor rise and fall alarms.
Guaranteed after-sales service
Most competitive price on the market
Do I need an Installer?
The installation does not present any difficulty, anyone without technical knowledge can install the SEYMO Chain Counter, you just have to connect the four cables to the reel relay and it works..
Windlass chain counter, reading on mobile phone or tablet via Bluetooth,
Range 30 meters, you can also have more range by placing the control unit closer to the reception location.
In the App setup, configure how many Centimeters the barboten develops in each turn.
Configure whether you want an up or down alarm.
Anchoring example: Chain reading on phone or tablet 15.70 Meters cast, already anchored, exit the App, when you re-enter the App you will have the reading of the anchored chain and if the chain goes up or down, the reading will update.
Android application
Reset zero
Configuration of the development of the barboten for the calculation of Meters.
Counts from 0 to 500 meters, with two decimal places for greater accuracy
Configuration Rise alarm from 1 to 20 meters.
Configuration Down alarm from 10 to 99 meters.
Memory of Meters added when starting the App again.
Transmission system without data loss (Meters)
Disconnect power to reel
Connect the Seymo to the reel as indicated in the diagram,
Connect red power cable +12V or 24V depending on selection
And black cable ground 0V.
Sensor cables
Yellow wire to reel down button or relay
White wire to the reel up button or relay
control unit
Android application